Help Charlie

Charlie needs help after wrong treatments
I'm Seda, Charlie's mommy. Charlie’s dad started this page a few weeks ago not knowing how much Charlie's treatment would cost. I told him I didn’t wanna take money from people without giving anything in return so I rejected it. So far, I covered Charlie’s diagnosis and treatment myself.
I put my apartment on sale weeks ago but it's not selling fast. Turkey’s economy has been rather bad so it’s quite difficult to sell anything even at half price now.
If you have been following us on Instagram, you know we were in Slovenia for Charlie’s radiation. You also know that we had many issues with the hospital there. They gave a different radiation than what was agreed, they gave general anesthesia against our consent, refused to discuss anything with us and the list goes on.
We finally came back to Turkey as Charlie had an infection and it wasn't treated.
After many discussions, a human hospital finally agreed to give Charlie radiation. Paperwork took some time. It will be a first in the country. The total cost of radiation will be about 4000 euros. This includes radiation, anesthesia, extra vet coming in, cleaning (a dog in a human hospital requires extra cleaning) and blood tests.
The costs for Charlie's treatment isn't limited to this. We spend about 200-300 euros daily on meds and IV. We get blood tests twice or three times a week each costing 150-350 euros depending whether it is just haemogram or kidney enzymes and other things are checked as well.
We borrowed money form everyone we know. I haven't worked since my own cancer diagnosis in September. Charlie's dad hasn't worked during my cancer to help with Babe.
To pay for Charlie radiation planning, we actually used the money saved for my own cancer check up.
We drained all funds. The hospital wants 3000 euros before we start treatment. We are currently at 2100 euros on here and we need to get it to 5000 euros.
Please help us.
Mommy says I have been through a lot in my life. I was bought as a gift to a girlfriend and my first family broke my back leg. They didn't want to look after me so they dumped me at the shelter.
At the shelter, they served food to all the dogs in one place. Being a puppy with a broken leg, trying to get some food, I was attacked by the larger dogs which left a huge scar on my face.
Nobody wanted to adopt me because of my scar. The shelter was going to euthanize me. That's when my dad adopted me to save me. 9 months later daddy met mommy and I became their daughter. Later, I had a human sister and we have been inseparable ever since.
Mommy is sharing my cancer journey to help others in a similar situation as dog cancer treatments are not always readily available.
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