Sponsors gezocht Afscheid Noa 💔

Sponsors gezocht Afscheid Noa 💔
Francisca Josephine  Gaarenstroom

Helaas moet ik afscheid nemen van mijn 14 jarige lab.en wil dat thuis in alle rust doen en Sjakie 🐾 ook afscheid kan nemem


Unfortunatly the time has come to say Goodbye to my 14 ½ year old Labrador Noa… 💔

She can't stand up., or walk no more… Her legs are not able to carry her around anymore… She has problems breathing and don't wanna eat no more… It's to hard to see here suffer… 🥺

 I wanna let the Vet come to my house so Noa can “cross over" in a safe place and Sjakie, my other dog can say Goodbye in a propper way.

I am looking for sponsors who can help me paying the bill that I will have to pay after the Vet helped Noa “cross the rainbow” 

I know it's much to ask., but I just need a little  financial help…


Thank You for helping… 🐾




Started on 02/08/21

Fundraiser organised by:

Francisca Josephine  Gaarenstroom

Francisca Josephine Gaarenstroom



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Started on 02/08/21