Save what is left in our eyes from hope.....انقذو ما تبقى في عيوننا من امل

Save what is left in our eyes from hope.....انقذو ما تبقى في عيوننا من امل
Mohamed Abdu

Humanity has one goal, which is to achieve compassion among humans, as both are interconnected


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Save what is left in our eyes from hope..

The war and the siege took our dreams and turned it into rubble and ash.

We had a house and this house had a big family living their beautiful days in it.

Also, we had a trading company after branches that import goods from all over the world, but our company was crushed under the scourge of wars and siege, so we became nothing.

"No home, no company,and no work".

As a result of what happened to us, all members of our family were scattered, distributed between the West Bank, Rafah, Deir Al-Balah and Al-Arish.

How will we start over!?...

Also, how will we rebuild our destroyed and burnt homes.We don't know how we will reunite our families and children again.Give us life and help us to start over.


In that house destroyed by the occupation, a family of twenty-seven individuals lived inside it. The house was sheltering both Kamel, Raed Mohammed Kamel and their elderly mother.

Can you imagine that 27 twenty-seven homeless people who became distracted between Egypt, Rafah, the West Bank, Deir Al-Balah and northern Gaza.

With your support, my friends, we will reunite again and revive our business from scratch.Until we get up from the middle of the rubble and remake life and hope again. In‏ order for our children to find the way through which they walk towards hope.

" With your strong support and with your merciful hearts, friends, we will start."


To communicate and WhatsApp?

- [ ] Kamel Mohamed Altatar : +97259-528-8884

- [ ] Raed Mohamed Altatar: +972592822529

انقذوا ما تبقى في عيوننا من امل ..

لقدا خذت الحرب والحصار احلامنا وحولته الى ركام . ورماد

كان لنا منزل واسره كبيره تعيش ايامها الجميله فيه ..

وكان لنا شركه تجاريه بعده افرع  نستورد البضائع من شتى انحاء العالم  سحقت تحت ويلات الحروب والحصار واصبحنا بلا شيئ .

لا منزل  ولا شركه ولا عمل .

وتشتتنا موزعين بين الضفه الغربيه ورفح ودير البلح والعريش ..

كيف سنبدأ من جديد ...

كيف سنعيد بناء منازلنا المدمره والمحترقه ..

كيف سنعيدشمل عائلاتنا وأبنائنا ..

اعيدو لنا الحياة ومدو يد العون لنا لنبدأ من جديد ...

كان يعيش في المنزل عائله كل من كامل ورائد محمد كامل .. ووالدتهم المسنه ..

٢٧ سبعه وعشرون فردا بلا مأوى اصبحوا مشتتين  بين مصر ورفح والضفه  الغربيه ودير البلح وشمال غزة ..

بدعمكم نجمع شملنا من جديد ونعيد انعاش اعمالنا من الصفر ..

لننهض  من وسط الركام ونعيد صنع الحياة والامل من جديد ..

ليجد ابناءنا والأطفال طريق يسيروا به نحو الامل ...

بكم وبقلوبكم الرحيمه سنبدأ




Started on 13/05/24
Viewed 418x

Fundraiser organised by:

Mohamed Abdu

Mohamed Abdu


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Started on 13/05/24
Viewed 418x
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