Help me save my fur friend Mush

Help me save my fur friend Mush

My little cat Mush has FIP and needs treatment

170 donations
€2,625 of €5,000 raised

After the passing of my boyfriend in September, I decided to get two fur friends out of the shelter and give them a forever home. A home that got very quiet, ever since Victor wasn’t around anymore. Yesterday, Mush got very sick. The vet did a €1000 worth of tests to determine that she has FIP. Another €4000 would be added to the cost of getting Mush better.

Since she and her brother are my only goodmorning every day, I will do everything in my power to safe Mush and get them back together. However, it is impossible for me to pay all this money. Therefor I am calling for help. Even the smallest support is welcome.

Lots of love





Started on 21/02/24
Viewed 5030x

Fundraiser organised by:

Yaell Monas

Yaell Monas

170 donations
€2,625 of €5,000 raised


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Started on 21/02/24
Viewed 5030x
Other fundraisers in: Animals Medical Charity
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