Help Christian "Miracle Mom" Survive Heart Attack in Greece!

Help Christian "Miracle Mom" Survive Heart Attack in Greece!
Kathy Brous

God's miracle let Miri live, but medical bills drove them to poverty. Help Miri & Michael feed and school two young children!


Miriam (Miri) and Michael K. were raising two young children in their Christian home in Athens, Greece, when Miri had a heart attack at age 37 in 2021.        

Doctors were shocked to measure her troponin, normally 15 to 20 units. Miri’s troponin hit 10,480. “How can she be alive?" the doctors said.

Miri is a living miracle. She and her family thank Jesus that she lives all day! But heart failure could happen again. A large part of Miri's heart is damaged, so surgery seems impossible. Examinations and medicines are endless. Miri lives with chest pain day and night.

I'm Kathy Brous, a retired writer in California. Steunactie (Support Action) is the #1 website on for family charity. Donations go right to the family's bank account.

I met Michael riding in his taxi in Athens. Later I visited the family for Easter, and met Miri and their sweet children Abraham, age 14, and Abigail, age 12. Top Photo: Miri (left), Abraham (back), Abigail (front center), Michael (right), Kathy (bottom), in Athens.  

I was deeply moved by the grace, kindness, and intelligence of these two small children, despite the family tribulations and the constant danger to their Mom. 

The love of God shines from the eyes of these children. 

Only incredibly loving parents who love Jesus, could develop such children. Miri and Michael deserve our help!  

They took me to their church where the family all lit candles (see photo) from the Flame of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, flown in to Athens for Easter. Then Miri lit the lamp in her Shrine to Jesus inside their front door (see photo) from the Holy Flame.

Video of Miri and Abigail: scroll down to bottom of this post or go to

But the medical crisis has driven the family into poverty.

There are almost no social services in Greece. Health care is horribly expensive, and corrupt officials coldly ignore the poor.

“I forgive them, because only God can judge us!” says Miri, who is devoted to Jesus. “My children and my beloved Michael are by my side and give me strength.” 

Many mothers in Athens must work; most families need two incomes to function.  But now, Miri is too ill to work.

Prices are incredibly high. The family has been forced to move to a tiny rental, four people in a space the size of one U.S. bedroom. Michael had to sell his car, to buy beds and dental braces for the children.

Miri deserves a disability pension. But her applications are ignored; she can’t pay extra “on the side" to those cold officials.

Michael’s paycheck of €770/month is almost used up by the basics: €525 for rent, water, electric, phones; €100 for Miri’s heart medicine; €100 for the children's’ dental care. That leaves €45 for food!

To buy food, Miri and Michael must borrow, or cancel the children's’ English lessons at €70 per person each month. That means canceling their future. (€1.00 is about $1.09 U.S. dollars.)

Items considered normal in the U.S., are priced far out of proportion to paychecks in Athens:

–€3,600 is the real annual cost for Miri’s heart medicine and treatments, if they had the money;

–€2,800 would be a minimal cost of food for a family of four for one year;

–€6,300 is the cost of one year’s rent, water, electric and phones;

–€3,000 is still due to heal the children's teeth;

–€2,500 would be the cost for a year of English lessons for Miri and both children;

–€1,500 would be the cost for two children's’ bicycles at €750 per bike (so expensive!);

–€4,500 would be the cost for a small used car so Michael can drive to better jobs.

That totals €24,200. That’s why I’ve set a goal of €24,000, which in US dollars is $26,257. 

Your contribution can help this Miracle Mom and her family survive

And, they have a plan to help themselves:

Miri, Abraham (Abe), and Abigail (Abi) bravely want to study English, a well-paid skill with so many tourists in Greece. But they need extra money for English lessons, and Michael needs a small car to drive to better jobs. 

Abe and Abi are at the top of their class in all their grades, and already speak good English for their age,  

But they don’t even dream of going to college. There are no scholarships for the poor in Greece. 

Yet I’ve never met children this intelligent in my decades of travel all over the world. In the U.S., teachers would notice them, and Abe and Abi would be on a “fast track” to college scholarships. But in Greece, paying for English lessons now is the only way for these children to escape from poverty.

Their future can be saved with your help!                                                    





Started on 31/08/23
Viewed 103x

Fundraiser organised by:

Kathy Brous

Kathy Brous



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Started on 31/08/23
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