Chandrika searching for her biological family

Chandrika searching for her biological family
Chandrika Amodio


Dear all

My name is Chandrika. According to my orphanage India, I was born on 14/02/1991 in Calcutta. I was handed over to them on 06/09/91.   The sisters gave me my name. My 35-year-old mom got sick and was unable to take care of me, my father died. I am a muslim baby. I don't know for sure if these are real facts.  

On 10/02/1991 I came to Belgium where I grew up. My adoptive parents got divorced after 7 years and after that a lot of bad things happened to me that were out of my control. I did not have a normal childhood. 

Now I am a single mom of a 5-year-old son who is dying to have more relatives. 

My past is a mystery and my life an unsolved puzzle. I am determined to find as many missing pieces as possible. I want to know the truth about myself. I have the right to know my family history. My rights have been violated and now I am ready to fight for them. 

In order to do this I am also going to need financial support. During my journey I want to be able to pay for my legal expenses, DNA tests etc. Unfortunately details about my life are not for free. 

My dream is eventually to meet a family member in real life. 

Lots of thanks in advance. I am already very grateful that actions like these exist!





op 30/01/2022 gestart
909x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Chandrika Amodio

Chandrika Amodio



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