Support for Ukrainian family with 4 kids

Support for Ukrainian family with 4 kids
Olga Kantur

Hello, my name is Olga and I am single mother of 4 lovely kids. Now we have situations that I can't handle without help


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Hi everyone. My names is Olga, I am single mother of 4 lovely kids. They are my support and strength.  I have 3 sons, Timur, 13y.o , David, he is 12 and  Kirill, 10 . They are so small,  but act like a real men,  take a huge responsibility and caring of me and they little sister Ann, she is only 4. I am working full-time nurse,  and spending 6 days a week at work.Unfortunately,  after begging of the war, we were forced to left our home. And now we live in bad condition,  it's very cold and need a lot of renovation.

I thought so much before asking for help, but for me it's almost impossible to fix it without support.

Я очень благодарна всем равнодушным и переживающим людей, которые уже переживают кризис и теперь решили помочь нашей маленькой семье. У моих детей много увлечений, старшие сыновья увлекаются рисованием и футболом, а моя маленькая принцесса уже помогает мне. для приготовления пищи, и любит делать близко для своих кукол. Но наша жизнь сильно изменилась.




Started on 09/02/23
Viewed 143x

Fundraiser organised by:

Olga Kantur

Olga Kantur


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Started on 09/02/23
Viewed 143x