SMA ziekte type 1; LAATSTE 1,5 kg

SMA ziekte type 1; LAATSTE 1,5 kg

Een kind van 13 met een SMA TYPE 1 ziekte. Zijn ouders geven geen eten aan het kind omdat het kind geen kg’s meer mg bykrygn


Baby Taha Hamza is currently 30 months old and fighting for his life against Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Type 1 is the most severe type of SMA. Children with type 1 have limited movement, cannot sit without support, and have trouble breathing, feeding and swallowing.

Taha Hamza was only 6 months old when his diagnoses were confirmed. His current weight is 11.5kg and he MUST be treated before he reaches 13kg.

In order for baby Taha Hamza to have any future, he has to receive a genetic therapy called Zolgensma. Zolgensma costs $2.3 million, with additional hospital expenses the total amount reaches more than $2.4 million.

Taha Hamza needs to get this Zolgensma treatment ASAP. We are fighting against the clock. He must receive his treatment in the United States or Dubai as its not available in Turkey. 

We are fighting to raise the funds necessary for this treatment as his family is not financially capable to do so. I ask that you please help give Taha Hamza a chance to live. 

Your donations will be greatly appreciated. This campaign is dedicated exclusively to baby Taha Hamza.


the deposits can ALSO be payed to Asiye Sancak or you can also pay from here we will deposit the money to Asiye. 





Started on 20/06/21

Fundraiser organised by:

Mustafa Cekic

Mustafa Cekic



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Started on 20/06/21
Other fundraisers in: Medical
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