Life for targeted individuals Mama and her 2 children, stop the Dead game
I am mama of two children 9 and 4 y o targeted by State - isolated abused prohibited to feed up my children work legalise
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Excuseer mij dat ik publiceer t in engelse taal, ik hoop zo grotere groep mensen te bereiken met mijn hulpvraag.
Ik zal nog nederlandstalig beschrijving toevoegen.
Ik heb geen bankrekening, enkel paypal ( boven)
I got no bankaccount number only paypal.
My name is Grigoryeva Elena
We are living 23 years in Belgium and during 23 years because of targeting we never could obtain work permit, bank account, never access to social benefits not even may getting payments for children and motherhood and never could legalise our stay because of endless juridical mistakes, disinformation, strange procedural and life issues as a result of organised government targeting, neighborhood watch program, blacklisting being absolutely non criminal people never committed unlawful facts.
We are international family, we meet each other in Belgium from first days arriving in country and we are about 23 years together, our children were born here.
Government prohibited me to care for my children and to feed them up in a natural (usual) way which is not much different from most European families, so children were placed under Juvenal Judge Supervision because I am to caring mother, and made my children objects of digital electronic experimentation and programming game by anyone who would like to play this game even if children would die as a result of such games. Besides digital techno affect on our lives and my children development our life (which already always was a surviving life, as we keep survive without papers and social benefits) is totally destroyed financial, procedural, social, psychological, with a lot of induced health conditions. My children grow up isolated from socium, from family contacts, they never see their grandparents and never lived normal life way. I may not and I can not pay for development courses and activitys of my children, can not buy what children need, can not travel, can not pay financial obligations school, medical needs, abonnements for bus… And State keeps counting and Judge expecting from me to care for safe house for my children …
I may not just be with my children and just do what people do in their life's. Now even organisation's coaching poor mothers and children, helping with clothes, toy's and food refuse to help us. 7 years refugee camps, vernederingen, gaslighting, attacks for the eyes of my children, …
I can not escape it, they refuse to legalise us what is against all laws and experience and I can not even leave Belgium because children got no nationality but also because this game will stop nowhere, nowhere to run, and why?
Why is it done to us?
So I got advise of people like me to try to start fundraising action hoping to find kind people who probably wished to help us and could make some donations for my family.
I don't know yet how it functioning I never had bankaccounts I only just created paypal account and probably donations could be done here
Every little bit would help.