Rebuild Our Home in Gaza

Rebuild Our Home in Gaza

I invite everyone to join these humanitarian efforts and contribute whatever the heart can bear.


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Welcome to our humanitarian campaign! We share our story with you and invite you to be a part of the journey to rebuild safety and hope in our lives. Thank you for your understanding and solidarity in this challenging moment.

After the devastation that befell my home in Gaza during the war, my family of six finds itself homeless, having lost access to basic necessities like food. I had previously invested significantly to secure this now-ruined home, which has become nothing more than a sorrowful memory.

In an effort to return to a semblance of normalcy, I have decided to launch a fundraising campaign to collect the necessary funds for building a new home, even if it's modest, providing shelter for me and my family. The goal of the donations is to secure the amount that will help us regain a sense of security and afford the basic necessities for daily life.

I invite everyone to join these humanitarian efforts and contribute whatever the heart can bear. Together, we can change the lives of my family and others in this challenging moment, emerging from the darkness of destruction into the light of hope.

With your assistance, we will be able to rebuild our lives and provide a safe environment for our family members. Every bit of support means a lot to us.

Thank you for your understanding and solidarity.


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Démarré sur 9/04/24
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Démarré sur 9/04/24
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