to create contents in Cinematics , philsophy of serenity, lifestyle opinion

to create contents in Cinematics , philsophy of serenity, lifestyle opinion

To kick start my plans with a decent camera and related accessories and to learn the essential acquisitions for the work


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I am a youth from Burma who is an enthusiast on motorcycles, heavy metal and rock n roll, photography, researching, writing, and philosophy. I want to explore the world first-hand and share it with my community. If my channel grows and is successful, which is adequate for further stuff, I also dream of travelling the world with a motorcycle and a guitar bagging my back to create content and write books.  




Started on 07/03/24
Viewed 43x

Fundraiser organised by:

Shane Min Tun

Shane Min Tun


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Started on 07/03/24
Viewed 43x
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