Help for me and my dog

I need help for me and my dog to get him to a vet and for us to get some isolation stuff and a heater for our home
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Hello everyon,
when corona hit I lost my job. I had some savings left to live of. At the start of this year I found a new job. unfortunately a few months ago one of my dogs got sick. after a few days at the vet I had to put her down. So I lost all of my new savings and got a little bill left. i managed to kent some money to cover the bills of the vet and the cremation. After that I got kicked out by my father. Luckily i found a home for me and my other dog. With everything going on I’m now literally just working to pay the bills and get food for me and my dog. unfortunately I have to take him to the vet to see if there is something wrong with his kidneys. and on top of that, they house came with a gas fireplace to heat the house, but it doesn’t work. The house is really old so it’s cold inside. i need to buy stuff to isolate the windows and doors. And to buy a new heater.
i really hope someone will help us.
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