Help CaReSO to continue hosting children with special needs!

CaReSo is a charity taking care of 55 children with special needs. They are in need for a new house!
Care and Rehabilitation Society for children with special needs; a NON-PROFIT charitable organization, registered under Ministry of Social Affairs NO. 517 of 2001 in Egypt.
Founded by Legal Jurist Professor Ibrahim Helmy and after his passing in 2002, succeeded by his daughter Fawkeya Ibrahim Helmy and granddaughter Chaimaa Badawy.
This organization/family helps children with special needs. Like a physical handicap (small or large), a psychological handica or other special needs, till the age of 18 years old.
Currently there are 55 children in the day care of CaReSo (for free), getting help like physiotherapy, exercises, learning how to do normal daily care, like washing and eating, have a healthy meal and clean clothes, but also helping the family of the children by adjusting the home-situation, because often there is a severe environmental retardation, which requires intervention to improve their living conditions in their original environment and also teaching the parents excersizes to improve the physical conditions of the children.
Now the Government has communicated that they want to make a much larger road in front of their building by the end of this year. The Government offers no help in finding a new location and they get only a very small compensation for this demolition. So it will be very difficult to relocate their organization with their own forces.
The new house (they have seen one that could suit but is completely empty) should be on one floor and needs to be adjusted to the needs of their special children, safe electricity, good toilets, a kitchen to cook food and rooms for treatments, etc.
For this they need in the beginning around 12.000 Euro, because the house needs to be updated and adjusted, so the children will have a safe environment.
After that, for the first 6-12 months, that they need some support to pay the rent and salary’s of people working there.
This will be around 2.000 Euro a month; we don’t know if we can collect all of this money, but hopefully we can make a start.
In this new location they want to ask a small contribution to children with families who can effort it, so in the end they can scontinue on their own.
Dear Dear friends, family, colleage’s and other persons.
We need your help very much so CaReSO can continue to take care of these special children.
I will personally look after the money and will ensure that they will recieve it and will use it for building up this new location!
I will keep you posted about the progress!
Thank you from the heart, The Children, Fawkeya, Chaimaa and Pascale.
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