Cental jails living with children's education support and shelter

Cental jails living with children's education support and shelter

Provides to Central jails living with children's education support and shelter


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Rural physically Handicapped centre for Rehabilitation organization working since 1998 in Chittoor District AndhraPradesh, India. In Andhrapradesh there are 4 big Central Jails in Vijayanagaram, Rajahmundry, Kadapa and Nellore Districts, there are totally 409 male 430 females are leading punishment.


In the 4 Central Jails 0-14 year's old male and female children are living near along with their convicted mothers. The parents of the children are convicted in various reasons and in various Criminal Cases and convicted life imprisonment by courts. The pregnant women before conviction delivered in the Central Jails after conviction. There are such 10-60 male and female children aged about 0-14 years in the Central Jails.


Such helpless children leading their child life without freedom along with their mothers fear fearly till the completion of their mother's punishment. Their mothers are helpless position; the situation of jails known to all, these children leads their life as orphans I visited the Central Jail with the permission of central jails authorities. After seeing the situation of the Children I take 10 day to recover.


Through The RURAL PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CENTER FOR REHABILITATION with the permission of the 4 Central Jails with their locality, the organization decided to provide good education and Its fee, good food, good health Care, good cloths to the Children of the Central Jail. And appoint in total 4 central Jails for each Central Jails 2 women Community Co. coordinators, totally 8 women community Co coordinators for 4 Central Jails, through the help of them arrange fee for education, good health care of M.B.B.S Doctors, not allowed outside food, prepare separately food for Children in the Central Jails and feed them. So the organization decided to provide good education to the Central jail Children therefore we request to donate for the help of Central jail Children.

Thanks and Regards

Shankar Reddy jampala


Rural Physically Handicapped Centre For Rehabilitation




Started on 08/11/22
Viewed 141x

Fundraiser organised for:

Rural Physically Handicapped Centre For Rehabilitation

Rural Physically Handicapped Centre For Rehabilitation

Fundraiser organised by:

Shankar Reddy  Jampala

Shankar Reddy Jampala


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Started on 08/11/22
Viewed 141x
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