Your donations save lives
Continuous bombing, continuous displacement, and incalculable destruction, and now is the time for emergency support only to
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More than 2 million people are paying the price for the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip. Civilians are losing their lives and the world is watching in silence
More than 100 days have passed since the war, and we are still continuing to provide all possible assistance and feed our displaced people in the Gaza Strip.
For more than 100 days, we continue to provide relief to them and stand with them in various ways to alleviate their burdens and support them in their ordeal.
You can donate to help them
Mises à jour
Démarré sur 1/01/24
Vu 144x
Campagne organisée par:
Gaza underattack
Démarré sur 1/01/24
Vu 144x
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