Halloween tribute

Halloween tribute

The dream off my mother


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Hi there,

I'm Albert, live in the Netherlands and i want to make a tribute for my Mother how past away dur cancer at 72, last april (Aprilsfool-day).

My parents moved in the 90's to Hummelstown P.A.

My Mother always loves Halloween, and since she moved her head exploded.

Cause in Europ Halloween is not that commen to celabrate.

Every year she send pictures and movies of het new creations.

But her biggest dream was to own a lichtshow on her house.

My father recently moved back to the Netherlands and thrown away all her Halloween stuff.

So i want to build her dream lichtshow at my house for her. The cost however are very high and the have to build it for the Europees market (different current strength) The cost for a basic-set (plug and play) are around 6500,-

And the shippingcost are killing.

Please help me to create the dream off my Mother!

Thnx and god bless.

Mises à jour



Démarré sur 28/08/24
Vu 64x

Campagne organisée par:

Albert Van Belkum

Albert Van Belkum


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Démarré sur 28/08/24
Vu 64x
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