My house was damaged by the bombing

My house was damaged by the bombing
Mohammed Abu-sulaiman

Muhammad is from the Gaza Strip We had a house and a large part of it was bombed, so my family and I are currently homeless


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house was damaged by the bombing

My house was damaged by the bombing

لقد تضرر منزلي بسبب القصف

My house was damaged by the shelling

لقد تضرر منزلي جراء القصف


Muhammad is from Gaza

A large part of the Gaza Strip was destroyed, and this destruction affected my house, my father’s house, and my family, and we are now displaced in tents in light of this bitter cold.

Part of this house was destroyed as a result of the bombing.

Please help

Thank you very much




op 21/02/2024 gestart
124x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Mohammed Abu-sulaiman

Mohammed Abu-sulaiman


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Toon alle donaties
op 21/02/2024 gestart
124x bekeken