I need to buy cricket kit

I need to buy cricket kit
Irshad Aslan

Please help me to build my career 🙏


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Hello everyone my name is irshad and I'm from India. I completed my high school and I can't go to college because of my low marks in high school and we can't even afford the fees also. I'm working  as an electrician's helper to run my family..i need to buy an cricket kit to become as a professional cricketer and I'm good at cricket. cricket is the only thing I'm good at it but I can't afford a cricket kit like bat,helmet,leg pads. I thought giving up my dream would be useful for me and my family but when I came to know about this website I think my dream born again so help me to buy a cricket kit if I can't raise any money I think I will always be as an electrician helper. Thank you everyone 




op 4/09/2024 gestart
41x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Irshad Aslan

Irshad Aslan


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op 4/09/2024 gestart
41x bekeken
Andere acties in: Hobby Sport
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