go fund a traumatized kid

go fund a traumatized kid

im a teen who got abused by my mom for 3years after that i got taken away from home for 3years then sent to mentalhospital


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after the 2years i got taken away from home i started falling into a depression, getting bullied in school made it even wores.

after a year of full depression i was sent to a mental hospital and got helped there to remove the traumas i got, wich include: getting beated so hard by my mom my ears and nose started to bleed. after being taken away for 3and a half years im home now and can focus on my studies




op 1/08/2024 gestart
21x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Arno Dieu

Arno Dieu


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Toon alle donaties
op 1/08/2024 gestart
21x bekeken