Zware hartstilstand en coma na trombose.

Zware hartstilstand en coma na trombose.
Charlotte Denamur

Ongeveer twee weken geleden veranderde ons leven volledig toen mijn vader een hartaanval kreeg tijdens een familie-uitstap.

Disponible en:  Néerlandais

Ongeveer twee weken geleden veranderde ons leven volledig toen mijn vijfenvijftig jarige vader een hartaanval kreeg tijdens ons familie-uitstapje in Florence, Italië. Mijn vader kreeg een ernstige hartstilstand en moest ongeveer anderhalf uur gereanimeerd worden. 
Zijn toestand was zeer kritiek vanwege de vele extra complicaties die hij opliep bovenop zijn hartstilstand.

Een paar dagen later haalden ze mijn vader uit een kunstmatige coma omdat hij fysiek stabiel genoeg was. Maar zoals we vreesden, is hij niet wakker geworden en bevindt hij zich nu in een vegetatieve toestand of niet-reagerend waaksyndroom, wat betekent dat hij reflexen vertoont, maar zich er niet van bewust is en ze niet bewust uitvoert.

Mijn vader zit vast in deze fase vanwege zijn ernstige hersenbeschadiging en we weten niet of hij eruit zal komen en of dit zal verbeteren naar de volgende fase die de laagbewustzijnsfase wordt genoemd. De eerste stap is om hem zo snel mogelijk terug naar België te repatriëren omdat hij officieel kan vertrekken, zeiden de artsen, aangezien hij fysiek sterk genoeg is. Nog iets dat de artsen verbijstert omdat mijn vader in staat was om al zijn kritieke aandoeningen, infecties en complicaties in slechts één week te doorstaan. (Wat bewijst hoe sterk hij is!)

De tweede stap zal zijn hem naar een goede intensieve neurorevalidatie in België te brengen waar we een duidelijke diagnose zullen krijgen en de juiste behandeling kunnen zoeken. Officieel kunnen we niet zeggen hoe lang dit gaat duren en we blijven hopen op een wonder dat meteen zal verbeteren. Maar alle hulp vanwege onze situatie is welkom.

”Ondertussen zijn wij na een lange en moeilijke periode in België geraakt. Mijn vader hebben ze kunnen repatriëren en gelukkig ligt hij in een goed ziekenhuis waar ze nu volledig kunnen focussen op zijn revalidatie. Alvast veel bedankt voor alle steun, wij zijn enorm dankbaar en weten dat papa dit zou appreciëren dus dankjewel.“ He’s has a strong spirit and is a fighter! 


About two weeks ago, our lives changed completely when my fifty-five-year-old father suffered a heart attack during our family trip in Florence, Italy. My father had a serious cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated for about an hour and a half. 

His condition was critical due to the many additional complications he suffered on top of his cardiac arrest. A few days later they took my father out of an artificial coma because he was physically stable enough. But as we feared, he hasn't woken up and is now in a vegetative state or unresponsive wake syndrome, meaning he's exhibiting reflexes but unaware of them and not consciously performing them.

 My father is stuck in this phase because of his severe brain damage and we don't know if he will get out and if this will improve to the next phase called the low consciousness phase. The first step is to repatriate him back to Belgium as soon as possible because he can officially leave, the doctors said, as he is physically strong enough. Another thing that baffles the doctors because my father was able to get through all of his critical illnesses, infections and complications in just one week.

Which proves how strong he is!

The second step will be to take him to a good intensive neurorehabilitation in Belgium where we will get a clear diagnosis and look for the right treatment. Officially we can't say how long this will last and we keep hoping for a miracle that will improve right away. But any help because of our situation is welcome.

“Meanwhile, we have arrived in Belgium after long and difficult times. The hospital in Italy was able to repatriate him back to our city and luckily he is in a good hospital where they can fully focus on his revalidation. Thank you in advance for all the support, we have been greatly helped and know that my dad would really appreciate this so much - thank you.” 
 He's has a strong spirit and is a fighter!

About two weeks ago, our lives changed completely when my fifty-five-year-old father suffered a heart attack during our family trip in Florence, Italy. My father had a serious cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated for about an hour and a half. 

His condition was critical due to the many additional complications he suffered on top of his cardiac arrest. A few days later they took my father out of an artificial coma because he was physically stable enough. But as we feared, he hasn't woken up and is now in a vegetative state or unresponsive wake syndrome, meaning he's exhibiting reflexes but unaware of them and not consciously performing them.

 My father is stuck in this phase because of his severe brain damage and we don't know if he will get out and if this will improve to the next phase called the low consciousness phase. The first step is to repatriate him back to Belgium as soon as possible because he can officially leave, the doctors said, as he is physically strong enough. Another thing that baffles the doctors because my father was able to get through all of his critical illnesses, infections and complications in just one week.

Which proves how strong he is!

The second step will be to take him to a good intensive neurorehabilitation in Belgium where we will get a clear diagnosis and look for the right treatment. Officially we can't say how long this will last and we keep hoping for a miracle that will improve right away. But any help because of our situation is welcome.

“Meanwhile, we have arrived in Belgium after long and difficult times. The hospital in Italy was able to repatriate him back to our city and luckily he is in a good hospital where they can fully focus on his revalidation. Thank you in advance for all the support, we have been greatly helped and know that my dad would really appreciate this so much - thank you.” 
 He's has a strong spirit and is a fighter!

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Démarré sur 11/06/22
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Campagne organisée par:

Charlotte Denamur

Charlotte Denamur



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