Urgent support needed for shooting survivor

Urgent support needed for shooting survivor

Nora was in a shooting in Tulum, MX. She lost 2 friends and is in critical condition. Help is needed urgently.


On December 15th  around 10:30pm in Tulum Mexico me and my friends were all shot from behind the fence as we were sitting in the garden listening to music. 2 of our group passed away, one of whose bday we celebrated a few days before, and I'm lucky to be alive as the bullet (that is still inside me 5 days later) passed my intestines, colon, vagina and is currently stuck in my pelvis. I almost died in the ambulance due to losing a ton of blood as the first 3 hospitals 🏥 wouldn't accept us, me n my amiga. At some point one of the two medics asked if I had passed away as by the time we got to the hospital it was 3am, and I entered the surgery of 3 hours.

Currently I'm in the hospital, unable to eat, unable to sleep or use the bathroom as some of my intestines are hanging out of my belly and i have been done a colonoscopy. I also can't sit up or walk, or turn to my sides without help. I'm hoping to recover soon, but it will be months. I will need to undergo another 2-3 surgeries and find a way to travel home with potentially a nurse or a doctor once i am strong enough. When will that be, noone can currently tell.

I have never needed more help than I do now as I have no travel insurance as I only came here for a week.

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Démarré sur 24/12/23
Vu 851x

Campagne organisée par:

Jackeline Velez

Jackeline Velez



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Démarré sur 24/12/23
Vu 851x
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