Sustainability and Environmental research

Hello hello :) For my birthday I’d like to raise money to donate to sustainability and environmental research
0 € récoltés
Hello hello :)
For my birthday I’d like to raise money to donate to an environmental cause to help the research in having more budget for sustainable research.
That’s why this year I am not going to ask you anything material but rather a voluntary donation (even 5€, whatever suits you best at this period of your life) because I believe it would be more beneficial than any other material gift.
Thanks a lot :)
Mises à jour
Démarré sur 25/11/21
Vu 806x
Campagne organisée par:

Michele F
0 € récoltés
Démarré sur 25/11/21
Vu 806x
D'autres collectes de fonds dans:
Nature & Environnement
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