repayment of paternal obligations

repayment of paternal obligations

repayment of the father's debts-repossession of the house


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Hello, I'm Anita and I'm contacting you with the hope that you can help me.

My father died last year (61 years old), pancreatic cancer...a single torture for both of us...he left behind debts that I can't pay, because I can't get a loan anymore.

I also take care of my younger brother.

I have a total of €12,500 left to pay, but since I can't do it, his weekend (house) is threatened.

That's why I'm asking for help, an easy loan, anything.

I can also donate a kidney.

Thanks for any help.


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Démarré sur 25/10/24
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Campagne organisée par:

Anita Rauter

Anita Rauter


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