Please help my teacher publish her book 📚❤️

Please help my teacher publish her book 📚❤️

One child, One teacher, One book, One pen Can change the world with a little help from all of you🫂❤️


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My teacher was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, which has left her with a lot of medical expenses. she is bursting with talent and is full of inspiration for writing books. She recently wrote a youth novel for 12-14 year olds, which was very positively received by proofreaders. unfortunately she doesn't have enough money to publish this book. May I ask you for some help... thank you so much for the people who want to do their part to make my best teacher I've ever had her wish come true!😘❤️

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Démarré sur 8/05/24
Vu 26x

Campagne organisée par:

Lindsy Thienpont

Lindsy Thienpont


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Démarré sur 8/05/24
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