People in Rafah (Gaza, Palestine) need your support

People in Rafah (Gaza, Palestine) need your support

Nour, a good friend, needs support to help his family and others in need in Rafah. The conditions are beyond our imagination!


I met Nour a few years ago in Belgium. 
He's one of a kind, a man with a big, warm, generous heart. After getting four times a negative answer on his asylum, he decided to go back to Rafah around February last year. He couldn't miss his wife and daughter any longer. 

As you all know, Palestine is bleeding
Now there are more than 1,5 million displaced people in the city of Rafah. This was supposed to be a ‘safe-zone', where people of the North could flee to. 
Yet, Israel is bombing the city, parents are loosing their children,  children are loosing their parents, people are starving, women don't have any access to hygiene products, …
They have no place to go, living in constant fear.
The situation is beyond words, beyond our imagination! 

Nour wants to help his family and others, especially women, in need. 
Anything you can donate is a big gesture. 

Let them know our hearts are with them, 
let them know they are not alone,
let them know humanity does exist.


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Démarré sur 25/02/24
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Campagne organisée par:

Mo Terkessidis

Mo Terkessidis



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