Nature by Design

Nature by Design

I have been selected by Maastricht Institute of Arts to go to Los Angeles in November to take part in an exposition.


I have been selected by Maastricht Institute of Arts to go to Los Angeles in November to take part in an exposition that's themed about nature, the environment and raise awareness about these subjects. This years theme is Gaia, which I (along with other selected students) individually will make a project for. The total costs of this journey will be a minimum of 1800 euros. I humbly ask you to consider donating or buying a small poster from which the money will go to this opportunity. The 1800 euros will be used for flights, accommodation and other necessities to get there, and get around when Im there. 

Thank you incredibly much in advance, Simone.

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Démarré sur 1/10/24
Vu 722x

Campagne organisée par:

simone smids

simone smids



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Démarré sur 1/10/24
Vu 722x
D'autres collectes de fonds dans: Art et Culture
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