My son was scammed, please help

My son was scammed, please help

Please help my son to recover the money he was scammed out of.


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My son and I arrived in the Netherlands from South Africa 1 year ago. Excited and hopeful to experience a crime free life. 

On Tuesday 9 July my son decided to take a day trip to Breda, Netherlands and explore the city. Just as he was about to embark on his way back home, he was approached by 2 young Irish boys who claimed they needed help as they had lost their bank card. They could not pay for their trip back to Ireland, and  asked my son if they could transfer 2000 euros into his Dutch bank account and if he could then withdraw it at an ATM machine. They even assisted him to up his daily withdrawal limit. They told him it would take around 3 days to clear in his bank account.

Today, July 12, there is still no money in his account. My son eventually told me what had happened and I immediately told him that he has been scammed. 

He was devastated to learn that they had taken advantage of his kindness. My boy works at Jumbo and doesn't earn much. I would be so appreciative if anybody can help him to recover some or all the money he lost.

Thank you and Kind Regards 

Simone and Alex 

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Démarré sur 12/07/24
Vu 82x

Campagne organisée par:

Simone Gaiser

Simone Gaiser


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Démarré sur 12/07/24
Vu 82x
D'autres collectes de fonds dans: Vol / Fraude / Vandalisme
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