Theo collecte pour: Justice for the Vitae Members

Justice for the Vitae Members
Theo Van der Zanden

Help Help ! Giving is not just about donating; it's about making a difference! Please support our fight against injustice.


Enough is enough! 

We have been fighting the Belgian Judicial system for three years now. They have not provided ANY evidence that Vitae is a Ponzi scheme. They took down our beloved social media platform, providing us with a welcome and genuine alternative to Big Tech. 

Where is your outrage?

Where is your voice? And how are you using it to support our message? Please use your voice by retweeting, reposting and sharing the content made on our YouTube page, X account and our website. 

Engage with us to show our unity!!!!! 

Where is your fist? Please make a stand by ♥ liking and commenting on our content!! Show them we still have fight left in us!! 

Where is your belief? Show the world that there is an alternative to Big Tech!!!! And that VITAE can make that happen. 

Do you remember why you chose VITAE? It is surprisingly innovative, distinguishing itself from existing social media by five specific properties: 

  • Freedom of speech - within the limits of the law
  • No sale of users’ data
  • An add-free timeline: no publicity, no behavioural modification algorithms
  • Containment of fake news by the community
  • An attractive mechanism to generate income, based on your activities on the platform
  • Educative content for upgraded users provided by the company

This makes ‘Vitae’ unique as a social media.

 Do you still think this is worth fighting for?

Then please, DONATE NOW 

On the 21st of June 2021, The Belgian Authorities took Vitae, an innovative and disruptive European social media platform in development, offline proclaiming it a Ponzi. This happened without warning and we doubt the right lawful procedures were followed. 3 years later and after 4 years of investigation, the Belgian Justice system has still not provided the over 230.000 members of Vitae with any proof of it being fraudulent. 

More than 230.000 affiliated Vitae members in 100 countries are fighting this injustice, and feel they are VICTIMS. Not of Vitae but instead of the Belgian Judiciary System!!! Over 20.000 members have spontaneously united in their cause to fight for justice against the actions taken by the Belgian Judiciary. was erected by 6 people working together to fight for us all and to inform those who joined the lawsuit. And will continue that fight, to victory.

 Victory for us is twofold: 

  • the re-opening of our beloved social media platform.
  • access to our assets and Vitae tokens which were all legally purchased on independent Crypto exchanges and are our property! Or to be compensated for our losses.


The lawyer of the 20.000 united members, Hans Van de Wal, confirms in a separate communication (see our website ) that he has convincing arguments to win this court case. 

This crowdfunding is to collectively pay outstanding debts to our lawyers’ law firm Elegis and build a reserve for further legal action. 

Everything is in place for this crowdfunding: a non-profit association was set up specifically for this purpose under the name "Justice for the Vitae Members" (JuViMe VZW) - Company number 0802770020, with statutes published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 15 June 2023.

Want to read more about the injustice we are facing with the Belgian Judiciary System? 

click here to see our Q&A section on the website Support's fight to get the VITAE social media platform back online as soon as possible! We need your actionable support and your financial support. Without it, we will have no funds to further our cause. So please help us financially as much as you can!

Remember it is not just about our interest, but yours too! This fight concerns the entire VITAE community worldwide and the future members (wanting to join with a free account) of this beautiful disruptive, innovative European social media platform, protecting you as their customer instead of using you as their product. 

Please help us with a donation. We need you!! 

This will go a long way to right a grave injustice!

Mises à jour

Démarré sur 20/10/24
Vu 1056x

Campagne organisée pour:

Elegis Law firm

Elegis is representing

Collecteur pour cette campagne:

Theo Van der Zanden

Theo Van der Zanden



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Démarré sur 20/10/24
Vu 1056x
D'autres collectes de fonds dans: Legal
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