Helping my family in Gaza مساعدة عائلتي بغزة

Helping my family in Gaza مساعدة عائلتي بغزة

احاول بقدر ما امكن ان اقدم لعائلتي بغزة الاكل والشرب وابسط المقومات لبقائهم احياء في ظل الحرب عليهم في غزة من نصف عام


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aYou are my hope ??

Your help means a lot to us, and we are grateful for any support others can provide. We appreciate every assistance you offer us in these difficult times, and we pray that every effort you make will be counted as good deeds for you. Thank you.



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Démarré sur 8/04/24
Vu 190x

Campagne organisée par:

Abo adam ‬‏dawood gaza

Abo adam ‬‏dawood gaza


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Démarré sur 8/04/24
Vu 190x
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