Help rebuild our house in Gaza

Help rebuild our house in Gaza

Our house is destroyed due to the war on Gaza. We live in a tent that does not protect from the heat or the cold.


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Welcome to our loved ones in all countries of the world. I and my family of 9 members. We live in Gaza. We are displaced from Khan Yunis to Rafah to Deir al-Balah. Our house is destroyed due to the war on Gaza. We live in a tent that does not protect from the heat or the cold. It is a difficult place to live in. We have two children, boys and 5. Girls. One of the boys is 6 months old and the other is a year and a half old. He has a burn on his hand. He needs treatment and basic expenses, including diapers, milk, and food. The father of the family is sick and needs an eye operation. He is sick with a kidney and his leg was injured in the war. Please help my family because we need your help in donating to us to return us to a better life.

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Démarré sur 2/07/24
Vu 288x

Campagne organisée par:

Danny Hammoud

Danny Hammoud


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Démarré sur 2/07/24
Vu 288x
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