Help me save my fur friend Mush

Help me save my fur friend Mush

My little cat Mush has FIP and needs treatment


After the passing of my boyfriend in September, I decided to get two fur friends out of the shelter and give them a forever home. A home that got very quiet, ever since Victor wasn’t around anymore. Yesterday, Mush got very sick. The vet did a €1000 worth of tests to determine that she has FIP. Another €4000 would be added to the cost of getting Mush better.

Since she and her brother are my only goodmorning every day, I will do everything in my power to safe Mush and get them back together. However, it is impossible for me to pay all this money. Therefor I am calling for help. Even the smallest support is welcome.

Lots of love


Mises à jour



Démarré sur 21/02/24
Vu 5030x

Campagne organisée par:

Yaell Monas

Yaell Monas



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Démarré sur 21/02/24
Vu 5030x
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