Help Jun's education throughout the year of 2024

Help Jun's education throughout the year of 2024

Help Jun's education for the year 2024. His ectrodactyly doesn't stop him to be brilliant and smart.


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Hello! I'm the father of Jun Kaigendra Lasut. My child has ectrodactyly, and only has 10 total fingers in limbs. We need help for his education for 2024. He is currently in 2nd grade in elementary school. 

He is a very brilliant boy, and his condition doesn't affect his daily life. Truthfully, when he is 1, he struggled with walking because his feet only has 2 fingers each, but he can manage and now he can run fast just like any other boy his age.  

I hope that he can face the world and his future just like any other boy!

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Démarré sur 29/02/24
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Campagne organisée par:

Julian Lasut

Julian Lasut


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