Help Gaza

Help Gaza

Support my family in Gaza

0 € récoltés

Since 7 October our life has become that of a horror movie. The bombings and attacks of the Israelian army around us don’t stop and no place is safe anymore. We have left our houses and are seeking refuge in Raffah. In the picture you can see our house, destroyed.. All around us people are dying from the attacks or just the lack of food or medicines. My mother should be treated for cancer, but there are no medicines or hospitals left. We need money for her to leave the country and to be treated. Please donate an amount that you can miss to help our family and the people around us. 

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Démarré sur 25/02/24
Vu 455x

Campagne organisée par:

Elsa Kriesels

Elsa Kriesels

0 € récoltés


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Démarré sur 25/02/24
Vu 455x
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