

I have always wanted to make my family happy with material goods, but I never had the financial means to achieve my goal


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Hello, people of good will.  I have always wanted to make my family happy with material goods, but I never had the financial means to achieve my goal.  I entered here with the hope that by your good will I will make my family happy, but also other people who need help.  Finally, I want to thank everyone who helps, wishing you as much good as you do, many times more kindness will be returned to you.  Love to all of you

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Démarré sur 15/04/24
Vu 61x

Campagne organisée par:

Feriz Cakaj

Feriz Cakaj


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Démarré sur 15/04/24
Vu 61x
D'autres collectes de fonds dans: Créatif Famille Éducation
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