Hi, my name is Lukasz and I’m fundraising to pay bills for Housing in UINTZENBUREAU


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Hi, my name is Lukasz and I’m fundraising to pay bills for accommodation because I came to work by UINTZENBUREAU and week after week I have problems receiving proper amount of working hours to afford agency housing and have enough money for living.

One week I have 40hrs in barrels company, (have to mention I came to work in the warehouse) and another I’m being screwed by agency that company doesn’t need me so they put me two day of week somewhere else for me to afford housing and give me around 40€ for living till next week. Third week in a row problem. If I manage to fundraise this money I could afford to pay „my debt” for agency and buy a ticket to move to another agency (hopefully better one).

Also during this arrival to NL mu IDcarf got destroyed. So I need to exchange it for passport in PL Embassy. It’s required for me to even start eventually look for different work.

im full of hope

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Démarré sur 16/06/24
Vu 14x

Campagne organisée par:

Lukasz Borkowski

Lukasz Borkowski


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Démarré sur 16/06/24
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