Backup for eye

Backup for eye
Akila Nuwan

when i was born, My right eye completely blind. Now my left eye 75% work. i want make living fund before my future full dark


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When i was born, i was completely blind in my right eye.

 My parents are very poor. So never they have not been able to treat the eye. When i was young, i looked for ways to heal my eye as much as i could afford. But becouse i don't have enough money. I want to go developed country heal my eye. But its not easy. 

Now my left eye visibility 75%. Long distance blur.  

If i loss my left eye, i have to way live. So i think if i have fix deposit, i can live happy my life next period.

If you help me, May be i can see world with both eye. 

Thank you waching this..

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Démarré sur 22/04/24
Vu 47x

Campagne organisée par:

Akila Nuwan

Akila Nuwan


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Démarré sur 22/04/24
Vu 47x
D'autres collectes de fonds dans: Soins Accident / Malchance Santé
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