Angel village

Angel village

It’s self sustaining eco system for poor ,politically and socially deprived people future related project in India.


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It’s a ”Angel village “ project for the most needy, socially backward, and politically deprived  people who are very hardworking labour class people. They have been ignored by political parties since 1947 . we want that British area back so that we get back the equality. So that we made a self sustaining eco system where no political, institutional bodies under Indian government can control our project directly. It’s a one time investment project which directly benefits 30 lakhs people in first phase . We have our own land and very micro level projects . But we need an independent system where no Indian government or government related institutions can control us. Therefore we need a international support and backing.please help us with funding.

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Campagne organisée par:

Kaushik Kanti roy

Kaushik Kanti roy


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