99 for Palestine - Help to rebuild

Fundraiser to raise money to help the Sherif Family in Gaza


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I'm walking 99 miles in March to raise funds for the Sherif family in Gaza, to help rebuild their home.

I've been in contact with Ahmad, 19 years old throughout the war. He and his family have endured credible hardship - displacement and constant terror. Ahmad has steadfastly supported his 4 siblings throughout the war in Gaza by doing what he can to survive.

His mother remains in the West Bank, receiving treatment for cancer. Their house remains unliveable after being bombed, and they are relying on your generosity to help to rebuild their life. 

Please donate what you can to help <3


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Campagne organisée pour:

99 for Palestine

A worldwide collective of activists who believe in a better future for Palestine

Collecteur pour cette campagne:

Emma Browne

Emma Browne


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D'autres collectes de fonds dans: Aide humanitaire
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