Trying to keep our head above water

Help us survive another month
Hi for those who don't know me… my name is Daisy and my husband was a correctional officer up until 6 months ago. He worked here for 12 years and in those 12 years he loved his job. Lately things in jail are getting more dangerous and at the end of his career 4 inmates pulled him inside a cell and beat the crap out of him. After this life in jail was unbearable and he ended up loosing his job. Luckily his 2nd job (working in a hardware store) gave him a full-time job but it wasn't enough to pay our bills. I had a surgery 3 years ago and because of that I have a rare condition that every time I eat I get so sick I have to lay down and on top of that I have bad asthma so I can't work :-/ so he started looking for another job but sadly enough his boss got wind of this and fired him before he found another job… he's been looking frantically for a new job that pays enough for us to survive. He's in the running to drive with a train and probably will get this job (one more physical and psychological test before he's hired) but this test is on the 18th of July. If he's hired (prays to the universe he is) then he has to follow paid school for a year starting September meaning he has no income for 2 months so that's when my sl daughter told me to try to start a go fund me… I hate doing this as a hate asking for money but I simply don't know what else to do anymore 😞 I hope I can somehow get enough to survive until he can start his new job (hoping and praying he will have that job at least! cause if not it will be a whole other story :-/ but I'm staying positive and will act in the idea that he can start his school for the train in September!) anyone that can help I'll be eternally thankful even if it is by keeping us in your prayers that he'll get the job!
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