My dream is to go to a concert Maneskin

My dream is to go to a concert Maneskin
Olena Yaremko

It is my biggest dream to get to the concert Maneskin. And also visit the festival Nova Rock


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I dream of attending the "Nova Rock" festival this year. Because three of my favorite bands will be there: Maneskin, Billy Tallent, Green Day. But, unfortunately, it will cost me a lot of money to get to the festival. And that's why I'm asking for help to make my dream come true. This is very important to me.

Your 1€ will help make my lifelong dream come true. Thank you so much 💛




op 3/06/2024 gestart
43x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd door:

Olena Yaremko

Olena Yaremko


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op 3/06/2024 gestart
43x bekeken
Andere acties in: Muziek Wens Reis
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