Hip dysplasia dog

Hip dysplasia dog

My dog with hip dysplasia has to undergo a serious and expensive operation


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Recently my dog (Eddie) started limping in pain, it turned out to be hip dysplasia. This means that the hip joint is incorrectly shaped. As my dog is only 8 1/2 months old and still a puppy, this is a very early age to have hip dysplasia. The only solution to keep him alive and to let him live without pain is surgery. This operation will cost 4000-5000 euro per hip, this is a huge amount and not to finance for a student. If the operation can't take place, I have to put Eddie to sleep... . I hope you will help me and Eddie in this way.... . All help is welcome, anything you can spare will be very, very much appreciated. Hopefully we can save Eddie <3 <3




op 17/08/2021 gestart

Actie georganiseerd door:

Dieter Vanhees

Dieter Vanhees


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op 17/08/2021 gestart
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