fundraiser for mental illness, students and teenagers

fundraiser for mental illness, students and teenagers
Dani Pols

Fundraiser for teenagers and students to help them financial, because they need and deserve it


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Fundraiser for teenagers and students

So you probably ask yourself, what’s the purpose of this fundraise? And what will be in it for you? Who will you be helping and why are you willing to this?

When I got older and this also is indicated to myself, I struggled with money and have allot of experience with mental disorders. So online on social media I met people or just spoke with and allot were or students or people with financial problems, no future goals or mental disorders.

And this really got my attention and I cant stand it that people that study for example get a loan and I was shocked about the number they told me. I felt really bad and I wanted to do something.

People with disorders aren’t able to work or do really the stuff they like, so I want to give them a hand to fulfil their things like studying, go on nice activities, vacations etc. These people deserve, because their life is already a though battle.

So people can apply to this through my contact details


Phone number: ask trough mail please




op 21/11/2024 gestart
104x bekeken

Actie georganiseerd voor:

fundraiser for mental illness, students and teenagers

Actie georganiseerd door:

Dani Pols

Dani Pols


Doneer Wees de eerste om deze actie te steunen!


Toon alle donaties
op 21/11/2024 gestart
104x bekeken